Our Services

Unified Scholars and Publishers Inc. provides web services to scholars worldwide. The basis of the service is the Unified Scholars Platform (USP), which operates as a SaaS, and which scholars use to provide peer review and editing services to themselves. We also own the Unified Journals and the Unified Publishers database, which are freely accessible by scholars, institutions and organizations. The three are summarized in below.

Unified Scholars Platform

Unified Scholars Platform is a SaaS for peer review and scholarly publishing. It is a web platform for scholars who want to publish their manuscripts without going through the pains of the current system. The platform is built for efficiency, pleasantness, openness, fairness, speed, affordability, income and transparency.

Unified Publishers Platform

Unified Publishers is a web search engine that indexes the meta-data of our scholarly publications. It ensures that our journals are indexed and that we can provide our database to the academic community. Unified Publishers is a very important part of our ecosystem, and it guarantees independence for our journals.

Unified Journals

Manuscripts obtained by publishers from our platform, would be published in new journals named Unified Journals, which embodies the concept and the goals. Watch out for our Unified Journals.

Of the three listed above, only the USP is a paid service. Unified Publishers is free for all; and Unified Journals are free for the e-journals. The Paper/print journals are based on the "print on demand" model, which incurs some printing and shipping cost.